As far as revenge goes, this woman has it covered.
Ting Su, 29, caught her husband and twin cheating on her and followed them to a shopping centre using a mobile phone tracker.
She went to find husband Cheng, 30, who was completely unclad in a car along with her sister.
She caught her husband cheating on her with her twin (Picture: Europics) They both jumped out of the car with not a thread of clothing.
But Ting saw her opportunity, jumped into the car and drove off, leaving the embarrassed pair where they stood.
Witness You Meng, 33, said: ‘It was so funny.
Loads of people were grabbing their phones and I did as well. He was banging his fist on the window and shouting at her, and she just wasn’t playing ball.
’ Ting has filed for divorce and revealed that Cheng and her sister had been having an affair since she gave birth to twins of her own.
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